Together from Day One

The inspiration behind our mission

For the patients, parents, and families facing a pediatric cancer diagnosis — and for the healthcare providers they put their trust in for their child’s care — the treatment journey begins with “The Day One Talk.”

This video series covers multiple subjects related to “The Day One Talk,” including the story of both a family facing their child’s diagnosis and the medical team entrusted to care for her.

For the full transcript of this video, please click here.

About Together From Day One

Day One Biopharmaceuticals and Entertainment 2 Affect Change have partnered to share the “impact of the Day One Talk,” the inspiration behind the company Day One Bio’s mission and name, and a real life example of what makes the “Day One Talk” itself so important.

The Impact

“I felt a huge sense of relief because I felt completely comfortable with our daughter's vision and possibly her life being in his hands. I felt completely at ease. And I felt, quite frankly, I felt I got a new level of confidence that I hadn't had prior to that.”

Sean Glennon, Caregiver

The Inspiration

“We wanted to bring new solutions to inform ‘The Day One Talk,’ and that’s why we named the company Day One.”

—Dr Sam Blackman, Founder & Chief Medical Officer, Day One Biopharmaceuticals

The Day One Talk

“They need to know that we're on their side…that they know that they've always got a partner and that they can ask us any question.”

Dr Mark Kieran, VP of Clinical Development, Day One Biopharmaceuticals

The Research

“This beginning to the therapeutic relationship often teaches us most clearly what is extraordinary about our patients and their families.”